♣ 2013 resolutions.

1. drink 8 glasses of water every day for natural body detoxification

2. exercise more often like when I was freshman (I was diligent enough at that time and now I try to exercise since I've gained 6 or 7 kg during last year and worse these three months)

3. not carried away to think too hard when I have problem

4. routinely consume some tablespoons of honey every day

5. watch not only more anime but also pay more attention to the staffs behind the work

6. blog more

7. empty some skincare products before buying the new one

8. stop buying lipstick for a while (I have 4 lipsticks that I use alternately)

9. tweet with quality not only babbling this and that

10. use computer more often than laptop

11. change hair color (because my hair start to look like ugly ombre)

12. do body scrubbing more often

13. lengthen my fringe  until it reaches the longest hair and lengthen hair until it touches my shoulder and keep it like that (which means I'm going back to trim hair every 3 months)

14. keep my room neat all the time

15. have healthy skin (or healthy looking skin?) like Japanese women

16. to be nice, to be grafteful, and if I don't have anything nice to say, I won't say anything at all

17. finding soon-to-be-husband more serious

18. will be added later

Image via weheartit.

3 komentar :

  1. THIS! >> Finding soon to be husbando

    1. nah, ini penjelasannya panjang, personal pula. :D

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