♣ Things I care nowadays and chicken banh mi.

So, here I am…
I’m super busy. I’m  prohibited to do fun things. I guess.

This time let me tell you (my) good things.
1. I really really care to health
I’ve been hospitalized three times, the last time is this year. This makes me pay more attention to what I eat. If I used to be a person who is hard enough to eat, now is different. What I do? I tell my mom what I want to eat. I tell my mom to buy, Roma Marie Digestive, Oatbits, Pocari Sweat, Nutrijel, and various kind of juice.

2. I really really care to beauty
Maybe it’s not beauty, it should be “awareness to our skin”. I have acne problem since I was at six grade of elementary school. When I went to junior high school, those acne were still there. And those acnes kept being there when I was at senior high school and two years early at college. One day, my mom found that black spots had showed up under her eyes so she went to dermatologist. And.. she started to aware to skincare. Me, is different from her. I aware to skincare (and makeup) since I was child. When I started to do anything to make shit acne gone, my mom complained that I should’ve not done that because the acne would gone by itself. The fact: what my mom said was wrong. So since she started to aware to skincare, she asked me to go to dermatologist. The doctor said some things I’ve known, that I must clean my face so that oil doesn’t show, this oil causes acne on my skin.

Now, I clean my face two times a day or once if I’m lazy enough. Acne? Never show up.

3. I really really care to my cooking ability
I met a new friend at PPL. She loved Cardcaptor Sakura, and I’m either. So I copied the CCS files and watched it from episode 1 to episode 69 and its movies. The Kinomotos can cook. I’m jealous. Sakura can cook. Her stunning brother, Touya, can cook. And oto-san can cook. This motivates me to cook. I am not able to cook since it’s usually my mom (plus she doesn’t need my help). But since all of my class during semester 7 is begun at 14:00 or 16:00 and I want to save money without starving, I urge my mom to prepare cooking ingredients so that I can make my own lunch.
I confess: I don’t have any responsibility to cooking as my house chores. As I said: mom doesn’t need want my help. So I think I don’t have to be in the kitchen. This is my pleading.

Those are what I call good things. And this is what WE call good things. I’m nice for leaving this chicken banh mi, right? Yum!

Image via The Concerns of Mindy Kaling

♣ Why is everybody so obsessed? Because money can buy us happiness!

Nyantol sama postingan sebelumnya, ini adalah -semacem- latar belakangnya. Saya ga mau mubadzir. Postingan sudah jadi, tapi ternyata kasusnya udah berkembang :D Fine! Daripada saya ngelantur, silakan baca. Kalo bingung, silakan baca postingan sebelumnya dulu. (Klik di sini)

"Di postingan yg kemarin-kemarin saya udah cerita kalo gue lagi PPL. PPL bulan oktober ini akhirnya kelar juga. Saya seneng. Tapi juga sedih. Senengnya karena finally akhirnya kita para mahasiswa lepas dari dilema antara ngerjain tugas PPL buat stay di sekolah praktek sama kuliah. Tapi kita juga sedih karena harus pisah sama siswa-siswi sekolah praktek PPL (Whoa! Can’t believe I say this!). Juga sedih, takut kalo ga bisa ninggal kesan baik sama sekolah praktek (Like seriously! This sounds so easy but this is hard!). OH, satu lagi. Saya juga sedih PPL’s outcome.

Ceritanya gini guys. Pengeluaran buat PPL itu: banyak. Mulai dari kas mingguan (buat nyediain kenang-kenangan buat sekolah sama siswanya), laporan PPL, kasih kenang-kenangan buat guru pamong, fotokopi soal-soal latihan (yg dikit-dikit tapi akhirnya keluar lumayan banyak juga). Kas mingguan Rp 10.000,00. Sempet berharap Rp 5.000,00 saja tapi sadar ga mungkin juga. Jadinya ya damai saja lah dengan Rp 10.000,00. Saya oke sama jumlah yg disepakati itu sebenernya. Tapi ikut ngerasain yg anak kos. Sepuluh ribu rupiah itu banyak banget. Sepuluh ribu rupiah juga  banyak banget buat saya. Sepuluh ribu rupiah itu uang saku harian saya. Alasan mama kenapa kasih saya sepuluh ribu rupiah saja buat uang saku. Satu, kampus bisa saya tempuh dengan 10-15 menit. 7 menit kalo kecepatan 65-70 km/jam. Dua, baca lagi alasan satu (baca: saya ga kuliah di luar kota).

Terus, ada yg namanya laporan PPL. Laporan PPL bentuknya kayak skripsi, pake hard cover, kertasnya tebel, dijilid, dsb. Bedanya laporan PPL ini dibikin rangkap dua, buat sekolah praktek sama kampus. Kemarin sempet tanya temen yg laporannya udah jadi dan pas saya tanya habis berapa.. They said around Rp 200.000,00. Seriously? Sayangnya ga sempet tanya itu uda buat dua laporan ato satu laporan aja.

Terus, kenang-kenangan buat guru. Kesepakatan iuran sebesar *jumlah uang*: pantes lah. Apalagi mahasiswa yg dibimbing ada lima. Jadinya ngumpulin uang ga begitu berat. Dan sejujurnya saya harap kas harian ama iuran kenang-kenangan guru pamong ini bersisa. Soalnya…

STNK-SIM saya ilang. Waktu itu di parkiran, saya mau keluar, jadinya saya nyiapin STNK buat ntar ditunjukin ke petugas. Pas buka tas, itu STNK ama SIM yg saya simpen jadi satu di dompet khusus, ga ada. Panik lah saya. Jam 4 sore baru sampe di rumah soalnya nyari-nyari semua tempat di kampus dulu. Sampe rumah dibilangin mama, kalo ternyata ngurus STNK itu lama. Belum lagi outcome yg dikeluarin, around Rp 500.000,00. Mak!

*saya ga berhasil bikin alinea yg lebih pantes daripada ini*

Dan ketidakberuntungan ini diperburuk sama makin tipisnya pulsa sms, pulsa regular, pulsa modem. Oh man!

Anyway, tanpa maksud keluar dari topik pembicaraan,pas saya baru dapet sedikit ketikan, mama cerita masalah tetangga. Tetangga saya,  sebut aja X, dulu dikenal sebagai tetangga yg baik-baik saja. Tapi mama cerita si X ini kebanyakan pikiran. Jadilah si X sakit (tau lah sakitnya orang yg kebanyakn pikiran). Saya jadi pikir-pikir kalo momentumnya tepat banget yah. Mungkin mama cerita soalnya dari kemarin saya ga nafsu hidup (maaf Allah, perumpamaan aja ini)."

♣ Microblogging is blogging.

Lagi lack of blogging ideas as brain has been shut down due to PPL and other school things. Saya nyerah nyoba ngeblog. Tapi karena (masih) punya Twitter, whose status as microblogging site, jadilah saya pada akhirnya lumayan banyak nambah frekuensi ngetweet. Sekedar memenuhi kehadiran saya di Blogger, I’M STILL HERE!

5 Sep - "Frankie Sandford looks stylish in silk jumpsuit as she reveals plans to marry Wayne Bridge." - Frankie WHO? #nooffense

5 Sep - "Your Tweet was over 140 characters. You'll have to be more clever." - Hey Twitter, why you have to be so rude?

6 Sep - Tadi laper tingkat parah, terus masaknya kalap biar cepet selesai, biar langsung makan siang. Sekarang PW di kasur, males makan siang -,-"

9 Sep - In love with Cambria. So goodbye Georgia.

12 Sep - I've drunk three glasses of pome punch juice, made by pomegranate, lychee, and orange. This is a record!

13 Sep - Drunk last night by this. I know I'm great. So ladies and gentlemen, please welcome The New Liquor! http://pic.twitter.com/jIgvbSb

13 Sep - And if you use your brain, sorry but I'm not being rude, no one is drunk as juice. Thanks.

13 Sep - I wanna pregnant! I should be tweeting "I wanna marry" instead of this, but this is what I want right now. So yeaaah!

14 Sep - RT @ItsJessTweets: I don't think a puppy OR a kitten would win in a cutefight, because what we call a cutefight, they would call a snuggle.

18 Sep - Q: How do you spell "BEAUTY"? A: M - E!

21 Sep - "Selamat ya uda punya cowok baru" itu ga ada bedanya sama pertanyaan "Kamu uda punya cowok belum?". You got to be more creative.

24 Sep - Ears are for OST Across the Universe. Eyes are for Reportase Investigasi: Mie Rekondisi. Fact: I can't really focus on one thing.

28 Sep - People screw me up. Gadgets screw me up. Even TV shows screw me up. And my life. Screw me up.

28 Sep - And I've lost my humor sense. It screws me up as well.

29 Sep - I know, it is so yesterday. But I've just listened Tear Me Up by Stefy Rae. I wish they will be back to record tons of new tracks.