Such a lazy blogger. There's only one post on November 2012 and the post is not from me. Actually I have a lot of blog post ideas inside of my mind but I'm experiencing blogger's block.
About November, there's not much to say. I stayed at home, mostly for downloading this and that or browsing anything that came across my mind. In the evening, since I'd "lost" a course student, I had more time to spend my time. I still gave math course though.
About December, I should have been created and posted some posts. I have planned to babble about anime, movie, and my wishlist. But duh! I haven't even created one post.
Such a lazy blogger I am.
Speaking of December, I'm going to really officially graduate from university. The graduation will be held at Dec 15th. My university has this rules (system) where we have different day to hold study programe, faculty, and university graduation. Such a hell, right? The only problem that's been on my mind is how can I stand to not to go to bathroom? I don't get people and their habit (?) to drink less water so they don't go to bathroom often. Isn't water really good for kidney? To improve our metabolism. There's a way to check if you're lack of water or not. Check you pee color. If it's yellowish or thick yellowish, you need more water.
Image via Molly.
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