Get Involved!

Hello happy people!

I'm sure you will be glad to participate something like this. Now you have one from many chances to make it happen. What's the news?

A few days ago, I read my friend tweet ang I got excited. My friend, Redita, will turn to seventeen this April. She will celebrate it with no party, but with something good like: plant trees. You don't believe? Read this message from Redita:

"Hey yall!!!! Maybe some of you already knew my 17 Bday Project (if you’re following me on twitter) I’m going to plant one tree for a new follower on twitter (@ReditaRatliff). I started this on 3/13 & will end on 4/15. I don't wanna make a huge party or something but I wanna give back to the community, environment for my birthday. This 'one tree, one follower' is one of my plan! So far I’ve gained 22 new followers & I’ve already planted 22 seeds! I’m not looking for followers but this idea really came from my heart. I wanna inspire people like Oprah & Adam Lambert do (yes I’m their huge fan). Beside this project, I’m planing to recycle. I’m going to give my old stuffs to people who need it also charity in cash. If you wanna inspire people, please reblog this! Spread the message! Let’s start inspiring people! And you know what, for every note I get from this post I’ll donate Rp 1.000,- for a temple here. So what are you waiting for?? REBLOG!! xoxo - Redita (@ReditaRatliff) :D"

I think her explanation is clear enough. Do you need more? Here are the points:
1. She will plant a tree for every new follower to celebrate her birthday.
2. You guys have a mont to participate. It's started from March 13rd until April 15th.
3. Simply click the follow button and you will donate a tree for Mother Earth.
4. And if you have Tumblr, you may reblog Redita post.

Last but not least, like what she has said, "What are you waiting for?". Follow her on Twitter right now.

Thanks to:
3. The picture is taken from Elemental Stitches

A New Toy

Hello there, when I'm writing this.. I'm actually busy with school assigments. But I've got something to tell. A few days ago, I opened my Twitter and read there's a tweet about third party application to connect with Twitter, PavoMe. Since the blogger said that using PavoMe is like using UberSocial, I decided to try it. And I like it! So, what is it?

PavoMe is a Twitter client for mobile phones that support Java. It should work on most phones that support J2ME, like Nokia and SonyEricsson phones. You can easily upload photos, videos and even audio recordings from PavoMe.

Does it work? Yes. I've tried it on my Nokia. It has grey background and I think it looks so modern. Tweets don't need too long time to load. It has a feature where you can make user avatar inactive so that you can save your money. Look at the picture!

Wanna try? Open and download from this address

Updated on 8 December 2011
PavoMe has been shutdown because of change to Twitter API wich makes it impossible to access DMs.

Thanks to:
1. PavoMe 

Munchausen by Proxy

In the end of february, I google many Zooey Deschanel songs from her movie soundtracks. Most songs are tipical but then I listened to some songs which are so completely different. The files are written "Munchausen by Proxy".

Munchausen by Proxy is fictional band of Zooey Deschanel movie, Yes Man (stared also by Jim Carrey). It consists of Zooey Deschanel (from She & Him) and Von Iva (San Fransisco female band). The band has recorded four song for Yes Man which genre electro punk. The songs are Sweet Ballad, Uh-Huh, Keystar, and Yes Man.

For me, their songs are quite catchy. I can even shake my hips and nod my head when I listened for the first time. Althought I don't even like Keystar verses which sound so weird in my ears, the refferain is easy to remember.. makes me sing along with the them.

No time to watch them on Yes Man? Just take a look at their videos here. Enjoy!

Thanks to:
1. GhostbandUA YouTube Channel
2. Lakeshore Records YouTube Channel
3. strker99 YouTube Channel

The Lovely Bones

Judul: The Lovely Bones
Judul Terjemahan: Tulang-Tulang yang Cantik
Pengarang: Alice Sebold
Penerjemah: Gita Yuliani K.
Editor: Lanny Murtihardjana
Penerbit: PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama
Tebal: 440 halaman
Harga: Rp 49.000,00

Pertama kali kita bertemu Susie Salmon, dia sudah berada di alam baka. Minggu-minggu pertama setelah kematiannya, Susie mengamati kehidupan di Bumi terus berlanjut tanpa dirinya—teman-teman sekolahnya bergosip tentang dirinya yang hilang, keluarganya tak berhenti berharap dia akan ditemukan, pembunuhnya berusaha menutup jejaknya. Ketika bulan demi bulan berlalu tanpa petunjuk, Susie melihat pernikahan orang tuanya dikoyak oleh rasa duka akibat kehilangan dirinya, adik perempuannya menguatkan perasaan agar bisa tetap tegar, dan adik lelakinya masih berusaha memahami kata “meninggal”.

Ketika Susie melihat alam baka, tempat ini bagaikan tempat impiannya. Segala yang diinginkannya bisa langsung diperolehnya,—kecuali hal yang paling diinginkannya: kembali ke Bumi, pulang ke pelukan orang-orang yang dicintainya.

Seiring berjalannya waktu, Susie melihat dengan kerinduan dan pemahaman yang makin bertambah bagaimana orang-orang yang dikasihinya melanjutkan hidup dengan mengarungi duka yang makin lama makin terobati.

The Lovely Bones adalah novel karangan Alice Sebold dengan setting antara tahun 1973-1983 yang bersentral pada suatu keluarga bahagia. Dengan mengambil tema kematian, Alice Sebold memperlihatkan bahwa kematian tak hanya bisa dipandang dari keluarga yang ditinggalkan.

Alurnya berjalan perlahan namun sarat peristiwa-peristiwa penting sehingga kita tak luput dari perkembangan cerita. Dengan memakai sudut pandang orang pertama, Alice menceritakan apa yang terjadi setelah kematian Susie dengan menyentuh. Susie Salmon bisa mengawasi semua yang berada di Bumi. Bagaiman semua berjalan tanpanya dan merasa tak berdaya ketika seharusnya dia bisa melakukan sesuatu atas peristiwa yang dilihatnya.

Alice Sebold telah menyajikan bahwa kematian bisa dilihat dari si orang mati yang digambarkan punya perasaan yang sama seperti dengan orang yang berada di bumi. The Lovely Bones adalah suatu cara lain memandang kematian.


“Renungan mendalam tentang berbagai cara bagaimana kesedihan dan kehilangan yang menyakitkan bisa ditebus dengan cinta dan penerimaan.” – The New York Times

“Kisah yang tragis namun juga berkilau dan anggun… Penuh ketegangan, ditulis dengan gemulai, dan menghasilkan prosa yang kuat.” – Publishers Weekly

Kisah-Kisah Tengah Malam

Judul: Kisah-Kisah Tengah Malam
Judul Asli: Tales of Mystery and Terror
Pengarang: Edgar Allan Poe
Penerjemah: Maggie Tiojakin
Editor: Hetih Rusli
Penerbit: PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama
Tebal: 245 halaman
Harga: Rp 40.000,00

Kisah-Kisah Tengah Malam berisi tiga belas cerita pendek karya Edgar Allan Poe. Masing-masing cerita di sini akan membawa pembaca menuju pengalaman unik yang penuh ketegangan, terror, dan misteri. Beberapa cerpen Edgar Allan Poe yang terkenal seperti Black Cat, The Fall of the Usher, dan Tell-Tale Heart bisa Anda temukan dalam kumpulan cerpan ini.

Saat membaca Kisah-Kisah Tengah Malam, Anda akan diajak memasuki rumah tua misterius, pembalasan dendam, kegelisahan sang pembunuh, hingga terombang ambing dalam badai lautan. Dan pada akhirnya, cerpen-cerpen pilihan di sini akan membawa Anda terkagum-kagum pada master horror gotik, Edgar Allan Poe.

Cerita pendek Edgar Allan Poe mempunyai banyak daya tarik. Mulai dari tema yang beragam, olahan uraian ketegangan, sebab akibat peristiwa yang terjadi, ending yang terkadang bisa di luar perkiraan, serta tokoh “aku” yang menyedot pikiran kita sejak pertama kali membaca. Beraliran horror suspense, Edgar Allan Poe tak henti-hentinya membuat kita tegang di setiap kata yang ditulisnya.

Edgar Allan Poe meneror dengan kata-kata, menciptakan makhluk dalam pikiran, dan membuat terror yang sesungguhnya.


What's Been Happening

Lets say goodbye to february and greet the new month, march. Have you read my february posts? If you have, you will read eight inspirating stories. Why?

People say february is love month. I disagree. I'm one of those people who disagree to celebrate Valentine (no offense, okay?). My opinion is we don't need Valentine to give your lovely people beautiful flowers and yummy chocolates. I think everybody should do these everytime, everyday, no matter what.

So, I do this. Remember many people might forget what Valentine is, I published these eight stories to show you how many love we can feel everyday in every event. Love is everywhere: in each strand of pink hair, blowing kisses, hospital roommate, even a brick.

Last words, enjoy your day. Enjoy your love. Enjoy every good things that come to you. And one more thing. I have a very strong word (which works well for me) to share. Keep positivity.

Thanks to:
1. Inspiring stories sources (that I've linked into my blog)
2. Love everyday
3. Picture taken from Flickr