Hello, dudes and dudettes! I know there's something new with my blog. Do you pay attention? My blog is no longer http://nonapingkan.blogspot.com but it's now http://lovelygloriouspainful.blogspot.com. Why?
Sorry for all this uncomfortable information. For you who have put my link on your blog, you have to change it. When I made this blog I couldn't find any possible names to use. So, I used "nonapingkan" as my blog address temporary. Now I've found a beautiful phrase to replace "nonapingkan". I love it! Do you?
I used to want to use my favorite lyrics to replace "nonapingkan". But I think it's getting lame because the other fans also quote it as their Twitter or Facebook username. I got bored. Then I read a poem from Nessie, my eyes were glued to "lovely-glorious painful" phrase. I love it since I read for the first time.
So, it is my site with new address. I hope you guys have a nice visit here. I hope I don't change my blog address anymore lol
Much love,
Pingkan. xo
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